
Domaine de Trévarez

  • Un potager à Trévarez
    © CDP29
  • Un potager à Trévarez
    © CDP29
  • Potager au Domaine de Trévarez
    © CDP29


2014 novembre 22 - 2014 janvier 05
General public

How to visit

Originally, the vast park of Trévarez included a vegetable garden and an orchard whose utilitarian function had them situated out of view of the château. Today, only the greenhouses and the surrounding structural wall remain. In 2014, it is once again possible for visitors to discover these sites.
The history of the Trévarez estate began at the end of the 19th century at the instigation of its ambitious owner, James de Kerjégu. The construction of the château was accompanied by the creation and layout of vast parklands. James de Kerjegu was advised by landscape architect Eugène Bühler (1822-1907) regarding the site location, architecture and plantations. Originally, the vast park of Trévarez included a vegetable garden and an orchard whose utilitarian function had them situated out of view of the château. Today, only the greenhouses and the surrounding structural wall remain. In 2014, it is once again possible for visitors to discover these sites, notably the square structure around the central pond in what was once the vegetable garden, the greenhouses attached to the walled garden, or to enjoy strolling around the four greenhouses located in the former orchard.

See also

  • Le thé : du Camélia à la tasse

    Trévarez 23 mars

    Le thé : du Camélia à la tasse

    Au jardin

    Saviez-vous que le thé, la boisson la plus consommée au monde, est issu des feuilles d’un camélia ? Pendant la fermeture du Domaine de Trévarez, nous vous proposons...

    Saviez-vous que le thé, la boisson la plus consommée au monde, est issu des feuilles d’un camélia ? Pendant la fermeture du Domaine de Trévarez, nous vous proposons...