Abbaye de Daoulas

Temporary exhibition

  • Le gout des autres
    © Elodie Henaff / CDP29 - Photographie : Peter Menzel
  • Exposition "Le goût des autres"
    © Scénographie Guliver Design
  • Scénographie "Le goût des autres"
    © Scénographie Guliver Design
  • "Le goût des autres"
    © Scénographie Guliver Design
  • Exposition "Le goût des autres" - Atelier
    © Scénographie Guliver Design


2014 juillet 05 - 2015 janvier 04
General public

How to visit

Today, we have at our disposal a remarkable variety of foods but not all of them are deemed worthy of being consumed. How is that we turn up our noses at foods such as insects or dog meat that are highly prized by others? Is our reaction the expression of disgust, a fear of adverse effects or because these foods seem to be taboo? These questions are examined as part of this exhibition structured around a lively kitchen, market of forbidden foods and roundtable of ‘curiosities’. Unusual objects and strange foods help us to understand the complex and personal relationship that we have to food, a true mirror of cultural diversity.
Today, we have at our disposal a remarkable variety of foods but not all of them are deemed worthy of being consumed. How is it that we turn up our noses at food that is considered a delicacy by others, such as grilled insects or smoked dog meat? Conversely there are some dishes that we consider to be part of our culinary heritage, i.e. oysters and other live shellfish that are considered repulsive by others. Is our reaction the expression of disgust, a fear of adverse effects or because these foods seem to be taboo for religious or ethnic reasons?
Structured around a lively and bustling kitchen, the exhibition Le Goût des autres will explore our relationship to food. Food is undoubtedly a privileged gateway to understanding the fundamental values ​​of our culture, whether collective or individual. It showcases our fears, societal norms in which we operate, family habits, etc. The exhibition also invites visitors to wander through the stalls of an atypical market, to taste the food on offer at a ‘roundtable of curiosities’, and to gain an understanding – through the testimonies of people from here and elsewhere – of the incontestable fact that our diet is a reflection of who we are.
Through unusual objects and strange foods, unique exhibition lay-out, and fascinating historical and geographical information, this exhibition attempts to unravel the personal and complex relationship that we have with food, a topic that arouses as much suspicion as it does pleasure and enjoyment.

A visit to suit all tastes

Question de goût ?
Pourquoi mangeons-nous certains aliments et en refusons-nous d’autres ? Cette question, simple en apparence, appelle pourtant des réponses diverses. Au cœur de l’exposition « Le goût des autres », une véritable cuisine se transforme, le temps de la visite, en un laboratoire pour comprendre les multiples raisons qui motivent nos choix.
Durée : 1 heure
Tarif : entrée + 1 euro par personne
Du lundi au vendredi à 16h

Les goûters de l’abbaye
Découvrez les saveurs du monde en préparant, en famille, un goûter inspiré des cultures culinaires des 5 continents.  
Durée 1heure 30
Tarif d’entrée + 1 euro par personne
Du 5 juillet au 31 août, du 20 octobre au 2 novembre, du 22 décembre au 4 janvier : les mardis, mercredis et vendredis à 14h30.
Nombre de places limité (réservation conseillée)