Dance cards

To popular tunes

Manoir de Kernault

Temporary exhibition

  • Kernault-EXPO-Bal baluche baloche 1 -2015
    © Illustration : Elodie Henaff / Chemins du patrimoine en Finistère - Illustrations : Les Concasseurs - Elodie Henaff
  • Kernault - EXPO - Bal, baluche, baloche  3 - 2015
    © Cecile Borne
  • Kernault-EXPO-Bal baluche baloche 2 -2015
    © Phil Mouve’s Photos - Tango argentin dans un bal en 2014


2015 avril 04 - 2015 novembre 29
General public

How to visit

This new exhibition-experience looks at a practice that is especially important to the Finistère region: the ball. A meeting place for various generations and different social classes, the ball was a very special moment of ‘letting loose’, of which there are many stories to be told. Punctuated by the accounts of hall owners, musicians, dancers and even rowdy characters, this exhibition-experience begins in front of the manor house, just as the musicians arrive, and leads visitors to the dance floor, with stops at the bar and the orchestra stage.
Have a ball! This unique exhibition-experience allows families to discover the various facets of the ball and to end their visit waltzing to the sound of the accordion or doing the twist to the strains of rock ‘n’ roll!
This new exhibition-experience looks at a practice that is especially important to the Finistère region: the ball. A meeting place for various generations and different social classes, the ball was a very special moment of ‘letting loose’, of which there are many stories to be told.
Punctuated by the accounts of hall owners, musicians, dancers and even rowdy characters, this exhibition-experience begins in front of the manor house, just as the musicians arrive, and leads visitors to the dance floor, with stops at the bar and the orchestra stage.
Have a ball! This unique exhibition-experience allows families to discover the various facets of the ball and to end their visit waltzing to the sound of the accordion or doing the twist to the strains of rock ‘n’ roll!