‘Love is however something simple, but marriage...’ Søren Kierkegaard
Marriage with or without love? For life or for a certain period of time? Marriage between two or more? A lavish ceremony or an intimate affair? There are so many different types of unions that go by the name of ‘marriage’. So, what is marriage? Can one define a universal model? This exhibition delves into the secrets of marriages all over the world in order to examine the different ways of being ‘together’ in 2015. Works of art, ethnographic objects, testimonies, songs and cinema are all combined here, shifting the boundaries and unsettling common beliefs so as to better create a portrait of the multiple faces of marriage.
‘Love is however something simple, but marriage...’ Søren KierkegaardMarriage with or without love? For life or for a certain period of time? Marriage between two or more? A lavish ceremony or an intimate affair? There are so many different types of unions that go by the name of ‘marriage’. So, what is marriage? Can one define a universal model? This exhibition delves into the secrets of marriages all over the world in order to examine the different ways of being ‘together’ in 2015. Works of art, ethnographic objects, testimonies, songs and cinema are all combined here, shifting the boundaries and unsettling common beliefs so as to better create a portrait of the multiple faces of marriage.