Rhododendrons at Trévarez

Domaine de Trévarez


  • Trévarez en Rhododendron
    © Elodie Henaff / CDP29
  • Trévarez - Trévarez en rhododendron 2015
    © Bernard Galeron
  • Trévarez - Trévarez en rhododendron 2015 2
    © CDP29


2015 mai 08 - 2015 mai 10
13h30 - 18h30
General public
Compris dans le prix d’entrée

How to visit

This not-to-be-missed event, in a garden with the ‘Remarkable Garden’ distinction, offers a fascinating programme of events over 3 days. Focusing on the rich collection of over 700 varieties of rhododendrons, workshops, visits, experiments and entertainment, suited to children and adults alike are available, appealing to both gardening aficionados and those enjoying a family outing. Various plants and crafts are also on sale in the garden.
In partnership with the Société Bretonne du Rhododendron
This not-to-be-missed event, in a garden with the ‘Remarkable Garden’ distinction, offers a fascinating programme of events over 3 days. Focusing on the rich collection of over 700 varieties of rhododendrons, workshops, visits, experiments and entertainment, suited to children and adults alike are available, appealing to both gardening aficionados and those enjoying a family outing. Various plants and crafts are also on sale in the garden.

In partnership with the Société Bretonne du Rhododendron

See also

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